Friday 11 April 2014

Tulip the Cat.

There once was a brat of a cat, named Tulip. In a long tradition of Tabby cats, she was going to be a welcome new addition to the family. Or so we thought.

When we collected Tulip, she was all small and furry and timid enough... Again, or so we thought.
We soon realised that this was a feline with an edge!! Aggressive and not afraid to lash out. For a bit of peace in the evening, we left her, with her bed and food bowls, in the utility room. Just to avoid the kamikaze surprise attacks - she could appear at anytime - any place - claws flexed to the last!! However, this was only a temporary solution as the bin and fridge were in the utility room - the quick dash in and out of the utility room was always anticipated in fear. Occasionally, we just went without, to avoid, what could only be described as, the mission to the fridge. The fridge was eventually moved into the kitchen.

Such was the issue, that my poor Mother, frustrated and made a 'prisoner' of a kitten, in her own home, played around with different solutions, such as making Tulip an 'outdoor' cat. Love and affection only ever worked momentarily, one moment she would happily play - next, the switch would flip, and so would she! She would even attempt to bite your face if you left it open, anything was fair game to this cat!! I began to think she had separation anxiety issues or something, not even the pets could be normal in my family!!

After some while, a noticeable calm seemed to come about. No doubt, Tulip, still had her moments, but not as often or as violent! Something, seemingly incidental, had occurred in that time, Mam had brought down an old chair to the kitchen, she wanted the seat-cushion to be fixed. We laughed, but, it really did seem to us, that this chair had somehow pacified the crazy-divil. It was her own little territory. All this time, we thought she'd wanted love, all she'd wanted was a feckin' chair!!

A short while later, the calm was broken. We were confused, when one of us noticed that the chair was missing! As it turned out, Grandad had taken it to fix it up. With a conviction I don't hear on a day-to-day basis in my Mother's voice she stated that we MUST get that chair back, at once! Lo and behold, the situation returned to peace.

It's amazing what difference the little things in life make.
Tulip, once erratic and relately dangerous (for a small kitten), changed overnight, because she claimed her own chair.

Now, long before, it became 'fashionable' to be obsessed with cats, I most certainly was. I had cats before I had friends like. Oh god, I think that actually might be true..Jaysus!! :P I just love 'em! Anyway, that is all for now, I'll leave this on a note looking towards my probable future, as Eleanor Abernathy - Simpsons Crazy Cat Lady.

G'luuuuuck!! =)

I'd just like to add my Mother's reaction to this post - "Ha I read your blog on Tulip, brings shivers to my spine remembering those early days. You might add how I thought she was a h block reincarnate , what with her predilection of smearing her poo on the kitchen wall."

Tough times!

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